He is the cutest man in the world, i think. And there is no doubt about that. So, he is the masked bandit in The Fall movie, the piemaker in the Pushing Daisies and Calpernia Addams in the Soldier's Girl. And I fell in love with him, cause.... cause... I dont know, i just love him soooo much. Okay, he is an actor, calm down, Nicole.
So here you are the newest pic about him:

I wish I knew him. I wish I could touch him just once! Aww... Okay, I'm an idiot. Or just a stupid fangirl^^
It was interesting, when i first saw the Pushing Daisies pilot. Because i didnt really love the piemaker, i dont know why, but I've started to watch the series, and I fell in love with the Pushing Daises and also with Ned/Lee.

Make me a pie. Bye.
Lol picture! haha