Wonderful... The weather is awful outside. And its cold out there. And also here, in my room. Dark clouds, huge raindrops and lightning... There is a whole month behind us without any rain, but now...I dont really like this day. I prefer the warm spring-like weather... ohh, that would be so good
It was that holy day, the premiere day of the movie, Seventeen again (in central Europe). First, i should tell you, I'm not that girl, who loves these teenage-girl's dreams, like Robert Pattinson or Zac Efron. I'm rather addicted to Lee Pace or Noel Fielding. BUT... I do not hate or love Zac Efron, but I think he knows the secret, how to make a girl to love him. He is young, thin, he has nice muscles, which makes our heart beatin'. This movie was awesome, btw. I love Matthew Perry, he is my favorite from the series, Friends. I love his jokes (: I think, everybody knows what this movie about, so I won't write down the story. That man on the left was brilliant character!! LOL... He was Ned (like the piemaker^^), a lil bit crazy friend of Mike(Matthew P.). I loved the date scene with the headteacher:D Okay, Zac, its your turn --->I dont really like the High School Musical, but in other movies, he makes a good job. I liked his character in the Hairspray and also in this movie. This movie was the best comedy of the year. Or not. But maybe (: I laughed a lot, ha-ha :D I think i finish this note now, and go to rethink the whole i-love-or-hate-this-actor thing. Both of them is a fashion now: hate him and love him. I may choose neither of them.
Tonight, I was in the theatre with my friends, Babett, Alexa and Brigit. Okay, it wasnt enough, it is my life, nothing goes simply! ha ha We met at 5 p.m. and travelled by subway to the theatre. Aaaand, an old man has stolen an other's backpack! WOW! It is not a safety world... That was the first thing happened this evening. The second was during the play: That was soo funny! We have seen the play, Wait until dark. During the second part of it, one of the actors had crawled on the floor like a zombie. But, it was a serious play, the man wanted to kill the woman, but he had crawled, and I and Babett have started to laugh!! Everybody felt frightened, but we, we were laughing, like two idiots. XD I am not serious enough... sorry ma'am. Btw, i loved the play! And I'll never forget that man ha-ha!:D
I've just found a picture of my favorite actor. He is the cutest man in the world, i think. And there is no doubt about that. So, he is the masked bandit in The Fall movie, the piemaker in the Pushing Daisies and Calpernia Addams in the Soldier's Girl. And I fell in love with him, cause.... cause... I dont know, i just love him soooo much. Okay, he is an actor, calm down, Nicole.
So here you are the newest pic about him: I wish I knew him. I wish I could touch him just once! Aww... Okay, I'm an idiot. Or just a stupid fangirl^^ It was interesting, when i first saw the Pushing Daisies pilot. Because i didnt really love the piemaker, i dont know why, but I've started to watch the series, and I fell in love with the Pushing Daises and also with Ned/Lee. ^^ It would be soo godlike! Okay, stop it. Make me a pie. Bye.
No, I wont write down names and kill people in 40 seconds(or more) :)It was just my lucky day with Babett and 夜神 月(Yagami Raito). So I was in the cinema with my friend, Babett to see the second film of Daeth Note. It was good, cause I like the story, I really agree with Kira... I would do the same, if i have the chance. There wasnt a crowd in the cinema, we were only about 10 and there was a draw. And surprisingly I won!!!! Hurray!!!^^ I won the first and the second manga, the anime DVD with four episodes and a super mug! Fantastic! This is the mug: I love the Ryuk-pattern on it!So, i feel lucky now. It happens so rarely. And I want to wish a Happy Birthday to Fujiwara Tatsuya!!!!
I have a cat, called Milwaukee. She is nearly 1 year old, black, her eyes are golden.... so she is really cute. She is my best friend. We like playing together, hug each other, arguing about the food, and sleeping. She has 3 little kittens. They are all black, too, and absolutely cute! I love them! They are now 4 weeks old, they were born on 15, April. There are some pics about them^^ So, she is Grete, one of the 3 cute thingies! She is absolutely calm and pretty, she always sits and does nothing. But i love her.He is our lil' boy. He says: "I am the cutest, choose me!!" ^^ His name is Bandi now, but its not sure :) She is Chuti (Csüti). She is full of energy, doing something every moment of the day! kinda hiperactive, or what...^^ And she is Milwaukee as a little angel! Isn't she cute?^^
This day was only mine. I got up early, go school to get a print and go shopping! Its better than school, isnt it? Its cool to stay at home, when everybody else is at school. I have done with my writing GCSE, so im preparing my oral exams... They will be soo hard! I am really scared... Btw, it was my day! I bought some new tees and jeans. hah... I havent got enough strenght to take a photo of them... But i want to post them on my pupe page, here... I am soo weak to do anything, but writing these empty senteces. Okay... I take some photos now!! .. .. .. 15 minutes later... First, this peach colored simple tee is perfect, i adore this color! Yaay,London, the most favorite city in the whole world of mine! The 1st... and maybe the second is... Oui! and the 3rd maybe New York, then Moskva, Tokyo... I will go these places one day! If I've found some other tees with city themes, i would bought them all... and my wallet would be empty... ha ha
After Bershka, i bought a fantastic umbrella at H&M... It is black and dotty! Aww! If its not enough: its frilled on the border! ^^
Okay, it was a average shopping-day for us. It doesnt mean that we bought a lot of dresses an accessories... rather that, we have looked around in the shops, bought some items and laughed a lot! I and Babett went to the H&M to buy her some new things for the summer when we found some funny items:
I'm on the right in the shiny golden camisole... i think, this top is like ABBA's style. And on the left there's Babett in a frilled light-purple t-shirt..... hahh, this is freaky, like our grandma's cutie tops... the rest are in Babett's blog: She is borcsanoir on wordpress.com